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Sony Says Its Games Lineup Stems From Organic Growth Rather Than ‘Massive Spending Sprees’

Sony Interactive Entertainment CEO Jim Ryan has said that the company’s robust video games lineup is the result of “carefully planned organic growth” as opposed to “massive spending sprees.”

Ryan’s statement to Games Industry sounds like he’s throwing a bit of shade at Microsoft over its spending habits. However, the executive has reiterated on several occasions that Sony isn’t opposed to “selective” mergers and acquisitions. That said, the company certainly deserves praise for building and nourishing some of the world’s most successful development studios, and this is something Ryan believes is “probably not widely appreciated or understood.” He told Games Industry:

I would just invite anybody to look at the launch window lineup of the PS4 generation, or PS3 generation, and compare it to what we are going to bring in the equivalent phase of PS5. There’s just no comparison. That is the fruit of not massive spending sprees, but of very, very steadily, carefully planned organic growth. Probably the best example I give – I could obviously talk about Naughty Dog, but they’ve always been making great games. But let’s talk about Ghost of Tsushima, which has been a critical delight and certainly a commercial delight to an extent that we didn’t think it would be. That speaks volumes to the work that Sucker Punch has done to build on their previous canon of work.

We are lucky enough to have five or six studios who fall into that category. But it isn’t luck, because we’ve been working on this for years and years. Very quietly, in a very PlayStation way, we’ve been building something quite special with these studios. You can do it with frenzied acquisition, or measured acquisition, or you can do it organically.

What do our readers think of Ryan’s comments?

[Source: Games Industry]

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