Outriders Inventory Restoration

Outriders Character and Inventory Restorations Roll Out to All Players

One of the more pressing issues for Outriders players from the very start was when the game could randomly wipe their character progress and inventory items. Those affected by the bug were promised character and inventory restorations, although it’s something that’s taken developer People Can Fly quite a bit of time to get right. Those restorations are finally rolling out to players, an all those affected should find their progress has been somewhat reinstated.

The restoration process began for players in Category A on Wednesday. These were players whose characters were completely wiped and who faced a “Couldn’t Connect to Server” error every time they tried to login with that character.The developer did say they might not be able to restore every item “with 100% accuracy”, so they were aiming to make sure the most valuable items were replaced with god roll items. Those players with full inventories will have their items held on the game’s servers until they have space for them before logging out and back in again. Category A players will have received:

  • All items, regardless of rarity, that were equipped at the time of your inventory wipe will be restored.

  • All legendary items that were in your inventory.

  • For non-Legendary items: 20 previously acquired items that were in your inventory, with first prioritization based on rarity (descending from Epic rarity) and second prioritization based on date acquired.

  • All fully completed Accolades will be restored if you previously reached the final tier of said Accolade.

    • Interim tiers and progress towards any tier of an Accolade cannot be recovered.

The Category A restorations progressed as planned, so the Category B and C restorations have also begun rolling out to players. Category B players had suffered inventory wipes but their characters were still playable. Category C players were the lucky ones that escaped the bug but People Can Fly didn’t want to negatively impact these players through the restoration process. All players in these two categories will receive up to 20 legendary items there were in their inventory, as well as seeing all fully completed Accolades restored.

People Can Fly managed to fix the inventory bug in April after a couple of unsuccessful attempts, including one that increased the frequency of the bug happening. The game was also plagued by server issues at launch. To apologise to players for the problems, the team awarded players a free Community Appreciation Package including a level appropriate Legendary Weapon, a level appropriate amount of Titanium, and the Frustration emote.

[Source: Reddit]

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