In an interview with IGN, PUBG Creative Director Dave Curd revealed that the game will see a remastered Miramar, along with two new 8×8 maps sometime in 2021. The two new maps are titled Codename: Tiger and Kiki, and the Tiger map will also allow respawns. The remastered Miramar map will also see the addition of a new Lynx AMR sniper rifle and a vehicle called the Quad.
Curd says that the Miramar remaster will not change the layout of the map, but instead focus on giving it updated visuals. Aside from four new weather sets and revamped lighting for building interiors, the textures used for terrain will also be improved. Clutter has also been cleaned up, due to many players mistaking “coke bottle shapes that kind of look like pills.” Buildings in Los Leones will also have many of their windows closed up to let players explore the area without having to worry about multiple sniper positions.
The two new maps are planned to release in late 2021/early 2022. Codename: Tiger, in particular, will be an homage to PUBG‘s Korean roots (PUBG is developed by PUBG Corporation, a subsidiary of Korea-based Bluehole). The map will be reportedly “honor their homeland and show off a version of their world that isn’t traditionally seen in games.” Concept art shows what looks to be a school building and a rural neighborhood in the Korean countryside. The map will also be the first-ever to receive a respawn mechanic, though not much information has been released about it. As it will also feature a “beautiful fall color,” the map could be slated to release in Autumn 2021.

Codename: Kiki is also an 8×8 map, and will be a more experimental map focused on exploration. Featuring underground labs, massive skyscrapers, subways, and underwater buildings, Kiki seems to be a predominantly urban-themed one. Curd adds that it will be “much more of a living, feral, hostile world” that will have new ways to traverse and explore.

The Quad, an ATV vehicle with “insane acceleration” and “a crazy turn radius,” will also be added to the remastered Miramar. Curd calls the vehicle a “stunt machine” and details that it even allows players to perform emotes while riding. The Lynx AMR will also be added as a crate weapon. The sniper rifle will only hold five rounds and will be capable of vaporizing a player and even penetrate the windshield of a BRDM. Curd mentions that the company will consider adding them onto other maps if players enjoy the new additions.
You can check out a few of the screenshots included in the original interview below:

PUBG is currently available to play on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. It also recently added a reputation system back in January 2021, which helps players identify toxic players in-game.
[Source: IGN]