Fallout 5 Elder Scrolls 6

Fallout 5 Will Follow After Elder Scrolls 6, But Be Prepared to Wait

Fallout 5 may not be the game immediately on the minds of players at the moment, but it seems like Bethesda is already starting to make plans for it. Bethesda Game Studios’ Director Todd Howard has said they will be releasing the game after they have released The Elder Scrolls VI, but that won’t be released until after the Xbox-exclusive title Starfield.

When can we expect to see Fallout 5?


Fallout 5 will be the studio’s next game after The Elder Scrolls 6, which in turn will not happen until after Starfield is released at some point during the first six months of 2023. Howard explained to IGN that the studio is expecting to be busy for quite a while:

Yes, Elder Scrolls 6 is in pre-production and, you know, we’re going to be doing Fallout 5 after that, so our slate’s pretty full going forward for a while. We have some other projects that we look at from time to time as well.

Players shouldn’t get too excited just yet, though. Starfield started development towards the end of 2015, meaning it will be approximately 7.5 years from the game’s beginnings to its eventual release. If The Elder Scrolls 6 is only in pre-production, that still has quite a few years to go before it is released too, especially as it was pushed back so the team could concentrate on Starfield. If Fallout 5 then follows after that, well, let’s just say it will probably need the next generation of consoles.

There was also absolutely no clue as to the identity of the “other projects” either, but fans are hoping they’ll include the rumored remaster of Fallout: New Vegas. We do know they’re still working on The Elder Scrolls Online and Fallout 76, though, as both are due to get new content later this year.

In other news, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla will be getting a free rogue-lite game mode in the form of The Forgotten Saga. Elsewhere, Tekken 2 was accidentally listed on the Playstation Store for $9,999.

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