NFTs and Blockchain Don’t Interest Majority of Game Developers, Says GDC Survey

Only 23% of video game developers have shown interest in NFTs, cryptocurrency, and other blockchain technology, according to this year’s results of the annual State of the Game Industry survey conducted by the Game Developers Conference. The survey had over 2,300 respondents from the games industry, providing a snapshot of the sentiments of developers at large.

Interest in NFTs by developers has fallen since 2022

Compared to the results of the same survey from last year, developer interest in blockchain technology dropped from the 27% who were interested in cryptocurrency and the 28% who were interested in NFTs. Currently, only 2% of the respondents from this year’s survey said their studios are currently working on projects with blockchain.

The future for NFTs in gaming also looks grim, with only 17% saying that they favor blockchain technology in games in the first place. Meanwhile, 61% of developers are opposed, and the remainder are unsure or had no opinion on the matter.

The survey also reveals that 53% of developers support unionization in the games industry. 91% of respondents also believe that player harassment and toxicity is an issue in the industry as well. Roughly 68% said that their companies addressed the harassment they experienced or witnessed, with about 20% saying that they haven’t and 11% being unsure if they had.

Sony NFT and blockchain implementation was revealed in a new patent published in November 2022. Meanwhile, one of the creators of the Etherium cryptocurrency says that games with NFTs could work if they were actually fun.

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