Rashid was already announced as Street Fighter 6‘s first post-launch fighter, but he was only attached to a vague “summer” window. Capcom has now gotten more specific and revealed that the Rashid DLC is coming to the acclaimed fighting game on July 24.
Street Fighter 6’s current battle pass is all about Rashid, too
Capcom tweeted out the news with a short trailer that shows how players can use his agility to strike from a distance, get around quickly, or slide under projectiles. His signature wind-powered attacks are back, too, which give him unique moves that he can use to pressure the opponent. The trailer not only ends with his most powerful super, but also his alternate outfit, which is his default getup from Street Fighter V. Street Fighter V also marked Rashid’s debut in the franchise.
Capcom went into more detail on the PlayStation Blog. Rashid is searching for the stronger fighters on the planet so he became a vlogger to livestream and “capture the spirit of strength.” Capcom also confirmed that players can meet him in World Tour, learn his past, and train under him to get his skills. Maxing out his bond with him will unlock his second outfit.
Game director Takayuki Nakayama explained that Rashid’s updated look was meant to convey his acrobatic nature, as he’s covered in thin materials that flutter in the wind as he jumps around. And since he’s often recording and loves gadgets, he has a smartwatch and a camera attached to his belt. Nakayama also said that Rashid was still easy to control but has an expanded move set and tools that give him more utility and a strong neutral.

Rashid is just the first of four announced DLC fighters. New character A.K.I. is up next for sometime in the fall, Ed is slated for winter 2024, and the notorious Akuma is coming to the game in spring 2024. More are likely planned, especially given the game’s success, but they have not been revealed yet.
Street Fighter 6 is also celebrating Rashid’s arrival with its current season, which is aptly titled “Rashid Arrives.” It has many rewards that are inspired by the Middle Eastern warrior, including his theme song, stylized stickers, a wallpaper, and Rashid-esque gear for the player’s customizable avatar.