Capcom to Release ‘Major’ Mystery Game by March 2024

Hot on the heels of high-profile hits like Street Fighter 6 and the Resident Evil 4 Remake that drove sales throughout 2023, Capcom is prepping a “major” mystery game for release in early 2024. Although the iconic publisher showed off a robust slate of titles as part of the Capcom Showcase 2023 earlier this year, it is apparently relying on the unannounced game to help meet its sales targets for the year.

Capcom plans to release one or more ‘major’ unannounced games in the coming months

As reported by Video Games Chronicle, news of Capcom’s mystery game was revealed alongside the presentation of the company’s latest earning results. According to a Q&A section accompanying the earning results, Capcom is relying on the release of one or more “major” titles to help the company meet its sales goals for the fiscal year. Sales of games like Resident Evil 4 Remake and Monster Hunter Rise helped fuel Capcom’s profits in 2023 and it looks to be relying on these mystery releases to close out its fiscal year, which ends in March 2024, on a high note.

It’s unclear what the unannounced game or games may be, but Capcom has no shortage of options when it comes to new releases. Given the success of the two franchises in recent years, it’s extremely possible that the mystery title could be a new entry in the Resident Evil or Monster Hunter franchise.

Another option could be for Capcom to dig into its massive back catalog in an attempt to breathe new life into one of its many aging franchises. Comments from earlier this year indicated that new Mega Man and Onimusha games are being discussed internally at the company, showing that Capcom isn’t opposed to putting some of its older properties back in the spotlight.

Capcom could also be preparing for the launch of a new IP, though given the lackluster reception to the launch of Exoprimal earlier this year the success of any new property from the company is far from guaranteed.

Whatever Capcom has up its sleeves for the coming months, it’s clear that the company has high expectations for its success. No matter what the mystery game ends up being, though, recent remarks from Capcom president Haruhiro Tsujimoto indicate that players could have to pay a premium for it.


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