No PlayStation Move Support for Portal 2

You may have heard that PlayStation Move support would be included in Portal 2 at launch. But don’t get your hopes up, you’ll be GLaDOS you didn’t.

Speaking with the German PlayStation Blog, Chet Faliszek supposedly dropped a big bombshell for Valve’s first-person puzzler, stating that Portal 2 would feature PlayStation Move support.

Unfortunately, this was a poor translation and Valve has just issued a statment clearing things up. Here’s the email we were just sent from Valve:

There’s a story making the rounds regarding Portal 2 support for PS3 Move.

Unfortunately this quote was “lost in translation” — Portal 2 does not include support for Sony’s motion controller.

So let’s break down what the PS3 version of Portal 2 does have:

  • Steamworks Integration
  • Cloud Saving
  • Free Steam PC Version with PS3 copy of the game
  • Cross-Platform Play
  • As well as Cross-Platform Chat

Yeah, this game is going to rock, with or without PlayStation Move support.

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