PS Vita Exclusive Soul Sacrifice Gets Teaser Trailer

The upcoming PlayStation Vita exclusive, Soul Sacrifice, will be revealed for the first time in just two days. To build anticipation for the impending unveiling, Sony Japan has released a teaser trailer.

From just mere snippets of the game, Soul Sacrifice appears to be a game that is worth picking up a PlayStation Vita for. Beautiful graphics? Check. Scary as hell monsters? Check. Some type of soul absorption? Check. Sounds AAA to me.

What we don’t know, is who is making the game. As of right now, it only says Sony Computer Entertainment, and Sony Japan Studio. However, don’t rule out a Demon’s Souls franchise spin-off, even though it doesn’t adorn the From Software logo anywhere. Sony could be hiding this for the big reveal. Remember, Demon’s Souls was originally published by Sony in Japan before being brought over to America by Atlus. Don’t get your hopes up either, though, as this is nothing more than speculation at this point.

For now, get pumped with this teaser trailer.

Thanks, Gino!

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