Ask PSLS: What Was Your Favorite Announcement or Moment at E3 2013?

Now that E3 is over and everyone’s had time to decompress from all the action, we’re going to reflect on the biggest gaming event of the year with a pair of Ask PSLSes. For this first one, we asked the staff:  What Was Your Favorite Announcement/Moment at E3 2013?

Anthony Severino – Exploud (@Sev_Anthony)

Hearing the crowd explode during the Sony press conference when used games and DRM was discussed. Being there live during that was an electrifying experience I will never ever forget.

Cameron Teague – Show Off (@Cameron_PSLS)

Square Enix telling the world that they were too busy to show up in person. That meant that we got to see another trailer, and let’s be honest here, a big gaming event without a Square Enix trailer just wouldn’t feel right. They are the kings of never showing up in person.

Chandler Wood – Follower (@FinchStrife)

I have to second Anthony on the consumer support portion of the Sony conference, and also second his comment about being there live, which I wasn’t even supposed to be (I didn’t get an invite). That was a defining moment in games history that won’t soon be forgotten, and I was there in person to experience it.

If I have to choose something different though, I will say that Square Enix finally actually showing something about Versus XIII (now Final Fantasy XV), and the long time coming announcement of Kingdom Hearts III. Even though we won’t see these for a while yet, it’s at least nice to know they’re coming… someday…

Dan Oravasaari – Over (@FoolsJoker)

My favorite announcement was actually the same one as my biggest disappointment. At the end of the day on Thursday, I heard the words that both lifted my heart and crushed it – “E3 is over”. The end of the line for the biggest gaming event of the year meant that I could finally stop sleeping on the floor under an air conditioner, but also meant I had to leave the magic that was E3 and the new friends I had made over the week. P.S. Next year I will bring a blanket.

Jason Dunning – Second Son (@Jasonad21)

Honestly, it’s not a single specific announcement that was my favorite at E3, just the fact that inFamous: Second Son looks amazing. While the gameplay video may have only shown off a cramped space, it plays exactly how I’d want a next-gen inFamous to play, and solidifies the game as my most anticipated PS4 title. Sucks we have to wait until Q1 2014 though…

Louis Edwards – Hands Up! (@ftwrthtx)

Hands down favorite was the PlayStation press conference. From the games to the price announcement, the only thing they could have done better was more Vita stuff.

Sebastian Moss – Poorly Thought Out Answer (@SebMoss)

The price of the PS4. Because I’m poor.

What was your favorite announcement or moment at E3 2013? Let us know in the comments below.

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