Retro City Rampage Sold 170,000 Copies, 270,000 More Through PS+

Brian Provinciano, “Founder of Vblank Entertainment, and the programmer, pixel artist, designer, producer, bizdev, (blah, blah…) behind Retro City Rampage,” wrote an editorial on his website about the PS4’s RAM, misleading headlines, and more.

Something interesting regarding Retro City Rampage and its sales was also included in the article, with Brian writing about the Wii version of the game, something he called a “gift to the fans,” that cost him $20,000. At the time of GDC, where he revealed some sales numbers, RCR on Wii had grossed about $15,000. Due to the way WiiWare is set up and the sales threshold you have to cross, he has “still not actually seen a cent from the WiiWare version.” It’s not all bad though, as he’s “okay with this” and “knew this going in, but wanted to keep my word to the fans.”

Looking at all the versions of the game, he sold over 170,000 copies regularly, with another 270,000 downloads coming via PlayStation Plus. For more detail, “it’s had a strong tail, generating even more revenue this year than last year.”

Unfortunately for the Wii, Retro City Rampage in Europe for the system has sales in the hundreds, while North America is just over 2,000, despite it having additional content and being $5 cheaper. Brian said of the Wii sales, “Again, I knew this going in and was at peace with releasing it purely for those few fans, to make them happy and keep my word.”

Were you one of the few who bought the game on Wii? Let us know in the comments below.

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