The Catch-Up: October 3rd, 2013 – Notch Enjoyed the Minecraft-Themed Episode of South Park, Call of Duty: Ghosts Squads Trailer

A wild Hobbit appeared!

General News

  • Notch saw the Minecraft-themed episode of South Park last night and said, “I liked it a lot! 😀 Also, I ate an entire thing of popcorn.” [Twitter]
  • No real details were given out, but it looks like Terraria 2 is happening. [Source]
  • EA has cut the annual salary for executive chairman Larry Probst from $1.03 million to $515,000. Yeah. [Source]
  • Awesomenauts on PS4 won’t use the DualShock 4’s touch pad because “it didn’t anything to the game.” [Source]
  • Digital Dreams said “if we sell 10,000 copies we’re in the clear” when it comes to their upcoming Metrico on PlayStation Vita. Adding, “If we sell one-tenth of what [Killzone: Mercenary is] selling, we’ll be extremely happy and stinking rich.” [Source]
  • When Atomic Ninjas launches next week in North America it will be $9.99, won’t have a PS+ discount, will take up 100MB, and there will be 1 Gold, 4 Silver, and 7 Bronze in terms of trophies. [Source]
  • Dominic Monaghan posted this picture of himself at Naughty Dog. Hmm…


  • After David Goldfarb posted an image that highly suggests female characters will be added to PayDay 2, he then talked about how “justifying a character or characters in the context of a game about robbery is absurd”: [Read the Full Conversation]


New Videos

  • Gran Turismo 6 gets a concept movie:

  • Just Dance 2014 is ready to show you its song list menu in North America:

I don’t know if there’s any way to properly set up this Japanese PlayStation Vita ad, so here you go [Via]:

Did you watch the new episode of South Park? What did you think? Let us know in the comments below.

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