Infamous: Second Son Trophy Guide

Welcome to PlayStation LifeStyle’s trophy guide for Infamous: Second Son! There are 48 trophies to be earned here and they are all fairly easy; this is a very obtainable Platinum. At least two play-throughs are required to earn this Plat. Obviously, the best way would be 1 play-through for each karmic route. Just make sure to play on Expert difficulty during one of those play-throughs. There is free roam after you’ve completed the game’s story. Anything you miss can be obtained after the story is completed, While some trophies are only obtainable after the story is finished. Destroying the D.U.P. mobile command centers will be key to earning most of the trophies. There is a command center in each district. One of the first missions you play will be a tutorial for finding and destroying the command centers. The collectibles this time around are much easier as they are plotted on your map. This probably doesn’t need to be said but in any case, make sure you are selecting the correct karmic choices during each play-through, red is evil and blue is good.

Spoiler Alert: Unfortunately, there are spoilers in this guide. If you are trying to avoid spoilers, it’s recommended that you complete the game before reading any further.

Enjoy Your Powers – Platinum

– Collect all trophies.

Follow this guide!

Unstoppable – Silver

– Finish the game in Expert difficulty.

Before starting a new game, switch the difficulty to Expert. If you’ve played an Infamous game before on hard you already know what to expect here. If not, don’t worry, this difficulty isn’t that much harder than on Normal. You don’t have to complete all of the side missions or clear out the D.U.P.. The only thing that matters is beating the story missions. Here are a few tips:

  • Collect Blast Shards to upgrade your powers.
  • Stay behind things to use them as cover when taking on a large group of enemies.
  • The Neon Power is very useful as you can subdue enemies in only a couple of hits to their legs. Or if you are playing Evil, you can target their heads.
  • Try to stay on the move by pressing Circle. Standing in 1 place for too long will get you killed pretty quickly.
  • Use your R1 attacks on the bigger and stronger enemies.
  • Remember that Rooftops are good places to escape to and recover health.

Sacrifice – Bronze

– Risk your freedom to protect those you care about.

This trophy is story related during the Good Karma path.

Ruthless – Bronze

– Look out for yourself, no matter the consequences.

This trophy is story related during the Evil Karma path.

Temperance – Bronze

– Practice self-control.

This trophy is story related during the Good Karma path.

Malice – Bronze

– Get them before they get you.

This trophy is story related during the Evil Karma path.

Courage – Bronze

– Stand up for the helpless.

This trophy is story related during the Good Karma path.

Contempt – Bronze

– Don’t fear the weak.

This trophy is story related during the Evil Karma path.

Mercy – Bronze

– Everyone deserves a second chance.

This trophy is story related during the Good Karma path.

Revenge – Bronze

– An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

This trophy is story related during the Evil Karma path.

Justice – Bronze

– Expose the corruption of the powerful..

This trophy is story related during the Good Karma path.

Dominance – Bronze

– Show the world that nobody can protect them.

This trophy is story related during the Evil Karma path.

Reconciliation – Gold

– Finish the story with Good Karma.

This trophy is story related during the Good Karma path.

Rebellion – Gold

– Finish the story with Evil Karma.

This trophy is story related during the Evil Karma path.

Everybody Out – Bronze

– Rescue 10 suspects from suspicion pens.

The pens are located around the D.U.P. checkpoints. They are also marked on your map by blue dots with a jail cell in them. Run up to the door and swipe left on the touch pad to release the prisoners.


Spin-off – Bronze

– Beat down 10 sign twirlers.

You’ll want to work on this trophy during your Evil Karma play-through. These will pop randomly on the street. They are marked by a red dot with sign in it. Shoot the sign twirler.

Sign Twirler

Everyone’s a Critic – Bronze

– Take out 10 street musicians.

You’ll want to work on this trophy during your Evil Karma play-through. These pop up randomly on the street as well. They are marked by a red dot with a music note in it. Shoot  the musician.


Just say No – Bronze

– Bust 10 drug dealers.

You’ll want to earn this trophy while playing through your Good Karma play-through. drug dealers are marked on the map by blue dots with a syringe in it. You need to take out all of the enemies in the area and destroy the drugs. The drugs are in an ice chest, shoot it to destroy it.

Drug Dealers

Freedom of Speech – Bronze

– Disrupt 10 activist rallies.

You’ll want to work on this trophy during your Evil Karma play-through. They are marked by red dots with a white circle that has a line through it. You don’t have to fight the whole crowd, just shoot one of the protesters.

Angry Mob

What Did You Call Me? – Bronze

– Kill 10 obnoxious Akuran gang members.

You’ll want to work on this trophy during your Evil Karma play-through. The Akurans are found on the 2nd island. They are found randomly walking the streets. They are marked on the map by a red dot with a hammer and sickle in it. Attack and kill 10 of them to earn this.

Akuran Gang

Someone Your Own Size – Bronze

– Rescue 10 escaped conduits from angry mobs.

You’ll want to earn this trophy during your Good Karma play-through. The locations are random. Simply press triangle next to the escaped conduit.

Conduit Mob Rescue

Walk It Off – Bronze

– Heal 10 wounded civilians.

This trophy should be earned during your Good Karma play-through. The civilians appear in random locations. Like the previous Infamous games, go up to the civilian and press Triangle to heal them.

Kicking and Screaming – Bronze

– Finish off 10 wounded enemies or civilians.

This trophy should earned during your Evil Karma play-through. Go up to a  wounded civilian and press Square to finish them off. Press Square on surrendering enemies to finish them off as well.


True Hero – Silver

– Achieve Level 5 Good Karma.

This trophy will come over time as long you are selecting all of the Good Karma choices during the story. Healing civilians, busting drug dealers, rescuing escaped conduits, and freeing suspected conduits from pens will also gain you Good Karma.

Infamous – Silver

– Achieve Level 5 Evil Karma.

This trophy will come over time as long as you are selecting all of the Evil Karma choices during the story. Finishing off civilians and enemies, attacking sign twirlers, attacking musicians, and attacking Akuran gang members will also gain you Evil Karma.

Bweep! Bweep! Bweep! – Bronze

– Collect half the Blast Shards.

See the trophy Shardcore for more details.

Shardcore – Silver

– Collect all the Blast Shards.

The Blast Shards are really easy to find this time around. Once you destroy a D.U.P. mobile command center the Shard locations for that section of the map will show up. They are blue dots on the map. Most of them will on drones that you will need to shoot down.. Once a drone is shot down, go up to it an press the touch pad to absorb the Shard. Scanning Stations, marked by a hand on the map, also have blast shards. Destroy the Station and absorb the Shard. One of the Blast Shards won’t be obtainable until the final mission.

Nothing To See Here – Bronze

– Destroy half the D.U.P. security cameras.

See the trophy Blinded for more details.

Blinded – Silver

– Destroy all of the D.U.P. security cameras.

The cameras are mostly all around the D.U.P. checkpoints that have mobile command centers. Once the mobile command center is destroyed the camera locations are revealed on the map. Shoot em a couple times to destroy them.

Inside Track – Silver

– Collect all the Informant Audio Logs.

Destroy the D.U.P. mobile command centers to reveal the locations of the Informant side missions in each district. All you need to do is press Up on the D-Pad to use your phone to track down the Audio Logs.

Blown Cover – Silver

– Defeat all the D.U.P. Secret Agents.

Destroy the D.U.P. mobile command centers to reveal the locations of the Secret Agent missions. You’ll be given a picture of a person that you need track down. If you see them first, attack them quickly. If they see you first, they’ll take off and you’ll have to chase them down and defeat em. If they get too far away, you’ll have to restart the mission.

Big Brother – Silver

– Destroy all the D.U.P. Hidden Cameras.

Destroy the D.U.P. mobile command centers to reveal the locations of the Hidden Camera missions. These cameras are different than the Surveillance cameras. Press Up on the D-Pad to get a view from the camera you are trying to find. Use things in the environment (benches, people, bushes, buildings etc) as clues to find the where the camera is hidden.

Coloring Inside the Lines – Silver

– Complete all the Stencil Art.

Destroy the D.U.P. mobile command centers to reveal the locations of the Stencil Art missions. These are pretty simple, Press R2 to spray paint on the stencils Delsin puts up. There are 3 stencils per mission.

Prank Call – Bronze

– Complete a District Showdown.

See the trophy Final Showdown for more details.

Hello Operator – Bronze

– Complete Showdowns in half of the districts.

See the trophy Final Showdown for more details.

Final Showdown – Silver

– Complete all of the District Showdowns in the city.

To initiate District Showdowns you’ll need to get the D.U.P. presence down to at least 30% in a district. Once you’ve done that go to a billboard marked on your map by a phone. Press Up on the D-Pad to call the D.U.P. hotline and they will send groups of enemies at you. Once they are all defeated the Showdown is complete. You’ll need to do this in every district on both islands.

One Down – Bronze

– Clear the D.U.P. completely out of a district.

See the trophy Clean Sweep for more details.

Home Field Advantage – Bronze

– Clear the D.U.P. completely out of half the districts in the city.

See the trophy Clean Sweep for more details.

Clean Sweep – Silver

– Clear the D.U.P. out of the entire city.

There are 13 districts in the city that will need to be cleared. Each district will start with 100% D.U.P. presence, completing the side missions will lower the percentage. There are a couple of steps in order to clear them all out.

  1. First you’ll need to destroy the mobile command centers.
  2. Then, you’ll need to complete all of the side missions. The following things need to be completed in each district in order to get the presence to 0%.
  • Destroy all of the Surveillance cameras.
  • Collect all of the Blast Shards.
  • Complete all of the Stencil Drawings.
  • Complete all of the Secret Agent missions.
  • Complete all of the  Hidden Camera missions.
  • Complete all of the Audio Log missions.
  • Destroy the Jammers. (Not every district has these)
  • Complete the District Showdowns.

Total CARnage – Bronze

– Destroy 5 cars in 5 seconds.

Once you have 5 cars lined up, or parked near each other, quickly shoot each car with a Cinder Missile (R1 with Smoke Power). You can also use the Orbital Drop (Down on the D-Pad) with 5 or more cars around.

Drop Everything – Bronze

– Comet Drop over 170 meters.

This can only be earned after you’ve completed the game. You’ll need to climb to the top of the tallest building which is the one from the last mission. Once you are at the top (with Video Power equipped), press Circle to dash toward the satellite. You’ll be shot up into the air, press Circle 2 more times to dash away from the building in the air and then press and hold Square. You need to land at street level to get the full distance. Follow the video below!

Drop Everything Video

Keep It Up – Bronze

– Stay in the air for more than 45 seconds.

This trophy is easiest earned after you’ve beat the story. Get to the top of a building (with Concrete Power equipped). Press X 3 times to use the triple jump ability and then hold X to slowly glide all the way down. Follow the video below!

Keep It Up Video

Put That Anywhere – Bronze

– Defeat 10 enemies by detonating ammo crates.

Ammo crates are mostly found around the D.U.P. checkpoints. Simply shoot them to make them explode when an enemy is near them. They are especially plentiful on the tower during the final mission.

Ammo Crate

Hat Trick – Bronze

Defeat an enemy using three different power sources.

This trophy won’t be able to be earned until later in the game when you’ve acquired 3 powers. Basically all you need to do here is shoot any enemy with a power equipped and then switch to another power, shoot him only once again and then switch to a 3rd power and finish them off. Follow the video below!

Hat Trick Video

Double Smoke Stack Attack – Bronze

– Dash through two red air vents without touching the ground and then Comet Drop on an enemy.

There a couple of methods you can use here. The first (which I found to be easier) can be obtained at any point by simply pressing Circle on a smoke vent to be launch into the air and then land on it again and press Circle to be launched up a second time. Once in the air a second time press and hold Square to Comet Drop on an enemy.

The second is done during the last mission. While climbing the tower you’ll be using the vents to shoot up to higher levels. Some levels require you to shoot through 2 vents to reach. After you’re shot out of the second vent press and hold Square to Comet Drop on an enemy.

Double Smoke Stack Attack Video

Cough Drop – Bronze

– Comet Drop on three coughing enemies.

This is done with the Smoke Power. Make sure you have 3 or more enemies close to each other. Press L1 to throw a Sulfur Bomb which will make them cough. Once they are coughing, jump and press and hold Square to Comet Drop on them. It can be from any height. This is also easier done against the drug dealers as they don’t run and jump around as much as the D.U.P. soldiers.

Cough Drop Video

Make Fetch Proud – Bronze

– Hit three weak points with Neon Beam in 6 seconds.

This is obtainable after you acquire the Neon Power. Press L2 to aim which will also reveal the weak points on the enemy. The weak points are their head (glowing red) and their legs (glowing blue). Shoot 3 of the red and or blue areas quickly to earn this. The drug dealers are better to use to earn this trophy as they are usually in a large group and stand near each other.

Excessive Force – Bronze

– Use a Karmic Streak attack to defeat exactly one enemy.

Smoke, Neon, and Video all have the Karmic Streak ability. To build it up you need to do something that earns the same type of karma 7 times. Things like rescuing people, healing people, head shots with the Smoke Power and shooting at the feet of enemies to subdue them with the Neon Power are all examples. Once it’s built up, find some enemies. Defeat them all except 1. When there is only 1 enemy left, press Down on the D-Pad to use the Karmic Streak.

Thank you for using our guide! If you have any questions regarding this guide or would like to provide some tips feel free to contact me on Twitter @9Richard19, as well as in the comments below.

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