More images have been added to the gallery, which include Brighton Pier, Sydney’s Harbour Bridge Opera House, the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol and lots more. So, scroll to the very end to see the latest additions.
Original Story:
If you’ve played The Last of Us, then you’ll know that the game’s world is covered in that post-apocalyptic art design that bluntly reminds you civilization has ended and nature (and death!) has taken over.
Now, Naughty Dog artists (according to Reddit) have “re-created” real world locations in The Last of Us’ art style and it’s both depressing and impressive at the same time. Tourist spots like the Eiffel Tower, and more have been redesigned to showcase overgrown greenery and eerily reminds you what these places would look like if ever the zombie (or infected) apocalypse takes over.
So, sit back and go check out each “before” and “after” image in the gallery below.
Which one’s your favorite? And what place would you like to be recreated in The Last of Us’ art style? Make sure you check out all our The Last of Us Remastered news before picking the game up!
[Source: Reddit]
Real World Locations Remade Into The Last of Us
01 Station
02 Stationtlou
03 Waterbank
04 Waterbanktlou
05 Israel
06 Israeltlou
07 Castles
08 Castlestlou
09 Factory
10 Factorytlou
11 Britsh
12 Britishtlou
13 Pantheon
14 Pantheontlou
15 Eiffel
16 Eiffeltlou
17 Gardenhouse
18 Gardenhouse
19 Taj
20 Tajtlou
21 Snow
22 Snowtlou
23 London
24 Londontlou
25 Sfbridge
26 Sfbridgetlou
27 Spike
28 Spiketlou
29 Cathedral
30 Cathedraltlou
31 Italy
32 Italytlou
33 Middle
34 Middletlou
35 Flags
36 Flagstlou
37 Highrise
38 Highrisetlou
39 Gods
41 Porch
43 -brighton-pier
44 -BrightonPierTLoU
44 Kings College Cambridge
45 Kings College CambridgeTLoU
46 Clifton Suspension Bridge Bristol
47 Clifton Suspension Bridge BristolTLoU
48 Clyde Arc Glasgow
49 Clyde Arc GlasgowTLOU
50 The Angel of The North Gateshead
51 AngelNorthTLoU
52 Albert Docks Liverpool
53 AlbertDocksTLoU
54 Sydney Harbour Bridge Amp Opera House
55 SydneyOperaHouseTLoU