Ask PSLS – Let’s Talk Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

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The newest Call of Duty game is upon us and is being praised by critics. We decided to ask if the PSLS staff had any early opinions from either their own experience with the Advanced Warfare or the things they’ve read and seen about it. Here’s what everyone had to say about Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.

Alex Co (@Excaliburps)

Picked it up at launch, and so far, I’m having fun. While there are a few issues with the multiplayer, Sledgehammer really did quite a number with the franchise. In multiplayer, which is Call of Duty’s bread and butter, small changes to Perks and other stuff translate to shaking things up exponentially when it comes to gameplay.

For me, the most interesting thing here is how future Call of Duty games will be developed. Will it be forced to adapt high jumps and such due to Advanced Warfare? Only time knows for now.

Cameron Teague (@Cameron_PSLS)

This is one of those games that I really have no interest in, because I really prefer a game like Battlefield. However, as with almost every Call of Duty release, I will probably end up picking it up used sometime during Christmas or first part of next year.

Chandler Wood (@FinchStrife)

Kevin Spacey! Troy Baker! Gideon Emery! Oh man, so great. I am not normally a Call of Duty fan at all, but I am loving Advanced Warfare a ton. The campaign is great, and Dan and I have been having some fun on the multiplayer, which is a whole new world to me. I am really happy that this game seems to be eliminating the stigma that comes with the series, and I would urge everyone to try it without the name “Call of Duty” pre-clouding your judgment. It really is a fantastic game, and I think Dan totally nailed his review on it.

D’yani Wood (@Dyani)

Ever since getting a little behind-the-scenes peek at Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare at E3 this year, I’ve been really excited for it. Before this game, I just kind of skipped over the series, as it didn’t seem as personally satisfying as I wanted it to be. I think all that will change with this game. I’m very optimistic and excited about it, and we’ll be buying it ASAP. [Ed. Note: We did end up buying it and she is loving the game so far.]

Dan Oravasaari (@FoolsJoker)

Well, there really isn’t much I can say that I haven’t already. So, if you want to hear what I think, just read my review.

Heath Hindman (@TheHeathHindman)

I’ll play it eventually, but not in 2014 or 2015. I’m still in the middle of Battlefield 3. I want to keep playing Call of Duty in release order, and the next one for me is Modern Warfare 3.

I usually get shooters a while after release, because the single player campaign is all I really play.

Jason Dunning (@Jasonad21)

My biggest problem with most sequels is that they don’t feel much different from the previous title in the series. If they add in new ideas to make them feel fresh, I’m all for sequels. Otherwise, it’s new IPs all the way because they offer up more surprises and take more risks – for better or worse.

Louis Edwards (@Ftwrthtx)

I’ve been playing the Call of Duty franchise since its inception. I’ve always been a story first, multiplayer second kinda guy and I’m really enjoying the story with Advanced Warfare. The story reminds of Metal Gear and Deus Ex with the use of a private army and augmented prosthetics. You could even throw in some Killzone feel with the use of the exo suit. My main complaint is that the Veteran difficulty isn’t all that hard and I’m moving pretty quick through the story.

Mark Labbe (@Markymark255)

Advanced Warfare is definitely worth playing if you are a CoD fan. Although the Exo Abilities take a little time to get used to and don’t make too much of a difference in multiplayer unless you really know what you are doing, it is a much, much better game than Ghosts could ever hope to be. It looks amazing, the single-player story mode is enjoyable (mostly because of Kevin Spacey!), and the Exo-Survival mode is surprisingly fun, even if it does only have one round of zombies. Compared to Ghosts, which I returned three days after buying, Advanced Warfare is pretty awesome.

Paulmichael Contreras (@T3mpr1x)

Meh. Not very interested. The last Call of Duty I played was the original Black Ops, I think. Like Cameron, I’m more of a Battlefield guy, because vehicles kick ass. I usually pick up CoD after a few years of my last purchase, so I might end up buying this one in a year or so on the cheap. The campaigns are undeniably entertaining.

Ryan (@Decimalator)

I have played every CoD that had released on a PlayStation platform. I played it on PC. Advanced Warfare is definitely one of the best so far. I’ve only played a few hours from launch time until I had to get to bed, but it has been the smoothest launch and threw moat enjoyable. I’m looking forward to months of Advanced Warfare.

Zarmena Khan (@Zarmena)

The last CoD game I played was the original Black Ops. The franchise hasn’t grabbed my attention since. I’m a little on the fence about Advanced Warfare, though. If I ever get it, it’ll be at some point down the line, probably when the industry is undergoing a dry spell in terms of new releases. But it’s not on my priority list at all.

What do you think of Advanced Warfare? Remember to send us questions for Ask PSLS on TwitterFacebookthe forums, and email. Be sure to check back next Wednesday to see what question the PSLS staff will be answering!

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