Final Fantasy Type-0 Was Almost Cancelled, Says Director

In an interview with IGN, Final Fantasy Type-0 Director Hajime Tabata recalled a time when Type-0 was nearly cancelled.

The 3rd Birthday and Final Fantasy Type-0 are the titles that were in development at the same time. In regards to cancelling, we actually came really close when management gave me direct orders to focus on developing The 3rd Birthday, requiring me to step away from developing Final Fantasy Type-0 for about a year.”

Tabata the went on to explain that because of this, he has tried to avoid working on multiple large projects at the same time, which sounds pretty understandable.

What do you think of Type-0 almost being cancelled? Are you excited for Final Fantasy Type-0 HD to release tomorrow? Be sure to check out the full Trophy list for the game, and keep a lookout for our review, which will be appearing within the next few days.

[Source: IGN]

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