Insomniac Games’ 1st Community Day

Written By T3mpr1x temprix

insomniacThough it was briefly mentioned in the blog post a few days ago (On Halloween, actually), eVites have started heading out to those who e-mailed Imsomniac at the e-mail address given during that blog post. This is going to be the first, of what the developers hope will be many, of a new “studio tradition.” Details of this intriguing event follow.

The event will take place this Friday, November 7th, and will run from 10:30 AM until about 3:30 PM. Some odd hours for a company with Insomniac as its moniker, but gathering from what is planned I know it will be a good time. From the invitation, the planned events are:

  • Fan-Driven panel discussion on making of R2 with production team.
  • Lunch with Insomniac.
  • Autographs with Insomniac.
  • Studio tour.
  • Play R2 co-op/MP against Insomniac dev team.
  • Pose for photos with a replica Bullseye Mark II Chimeran assault weapon.

I am definitely going. Skipping out on a single Calculus lecture to do so, but seeing as it’ll be a Friday so will half of my class as well. Since obviously not all of you readers out there can make it to this event, please either use the comments space below or e-mail me at with any questions you may want me to ask the developers during the panel discussion, and I will try my best to get them all answered!
