$90 Gal Gun: Double Peace DLC Lets You See Through Clothes Instantly (Update)


PQube Games explained to TechRaptor that the Pheromone Z DLC isn’t out in Europe due to the price.

“The pricing didn’t correspond to the perceived value of the DLC itself,” they explained. “Europe has a different set of rules to the US and Japan and we’re not actually allowed to just charge what we want for DLC.”

PQube could still release Pheromone Z in Europe at a “significantly cheaper price point,” but that would ultimately defeat the purpose of the DLC:

As changing the prices for only one territory would be pretty unfair, and lowering the price across the board defeats the purpose of the DLC – which is a bit of fun and you’re not really supposed to want to buy it – we made the decision to just not release it in Europe.

Original Story:

Along with some costume DLC, in-game items, and a free demo, the release of Gal Gun: Double Peace for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita was accompanied by an $89.99 piece of DLC called Pheromone Z.

Cross-buy on PS4 and PS Vita, buying Pheromone Z will add the item to the Academy Store and, upon purchase, “the sight zoom can see through clothes instantly.”

At the moment, it looks like Pheromone Z and demo are only available in North America. The demo is a 2.5GB download on PS4 and a 1.3GB download on PS Vita.

Answering some questions on Twitter, publisher PQube revealed that PlayStation UK wasn’t happy with the Pheromone Z DLC, while PlayStation US apparently was:

They later confirmed that, yes, the Pheromone Z DLC is priced at $90.

Looking at other Gal Gun DLC, the $9.99 Angel’s Cutting Board will decrease ” the chest sizes of academy students,” while the $9.99 Demon’s Meat Buns will increase “the chest sizes of academy students.”

The release of Gal Gun: Double Peace this week in North America follows the discovery of an ‘E for Everyone‘ misprint on the retail box, and the removal of the game from EB Games Australia store shelves, with the retailer saying it was due to “a number of key business factors, including sales rates.”

You can read our review over here.

[Source: PlayStation Store (NA, EU), Stevivor, PQube Games (Twitter)]

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