Assault Android Cactus Development on PS Vita Has “Stalled”

Developer Witch Beam revealed in a tweet yesterday that development on the PlayStation Vita version of Assault Android Cactus has stalled, and work is unlikely to continue at this point.

Asked if players who bought AAC on PS4 due to the cross-buy promise would get their money back, Witch Beam replied, “We’re not happy with this outcome either, although I’m sorry to hear you have derived so little value from the game we have released.”

Assault Android Cactus released for PS4 in March 2016 (our review), after losing out in the most recent PlayStation Plus Vote to Play. A month later, Witch Beam admitted that they didn’t have high expectations for the Vita version from a financial standpoint, but added that “it’s also super-important that we do what we said we’d do.”

If development doesn’t continue, Assault Android Cactus will join The Banner Saga, Chroma Squad, and Hyper Light Drifter as games that saw their PS Vita versions cancelled.

[Source: Assault Android Cactus (1), (2) via Handheld Players]

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