The developers behind Friday the 13th: The Game are making sure players have a great post-Christmas time, as they announced earlier this week that until January 2, 2018, players will be able to earn double XP in the horror game.
Who has two thumbs and likes to level up? 10 Days of Double XP for all players starts now.
— Friday The 13th Game (@Friday13thGame) December 24, 2017
While the double XP has been ongoing for 4 days now, it’s not too late for players to jump in and start leveling up. If you haven’t played the game since its big content drops on the actual Friday the 13th this past October, now is as good a time as any.
For those who haven’t yet, make sure to check out our review of the game:
Friday the 13th: The Game shouldn’t have been released in the sad state it currently is in. From glitches that make players invincible to terrible matchmaking that had me waiting over 10 minutes to get into a room, it’s putting it nicely to call the end product a mess. It’s really heartbreaking to see since there are still positives that manage to shine through if one can look past the galling lack of polish. The core gameplay, when it works properly, can be fun when played with friends, and there are some refreshing ideas underneath the jank. Several months from now it may become the multiplayer hit it strives to be, but right now it’s an embarrassing release that can’t be recommended.
Friday the 13th: The Game is now available.
Do you plan on jumping back into Friday the 13th: The Game? Let us know in the comment section below.