Announcment – MGO Beta Clan Contest Winners

On behalf of us all on Sev1512, we would very much like to thank everyone for the participation on the contest.   We werent expecting so many entries, and really enjoyed reading everything you all thought of.   There were some really clever clan names, and it made it very hard to choose a winner.

We ended up going with 2 winners, one for our MGO clan, and another for our forums (coming soon) and main branch of gaming clans.  Both of the winners should expect an email very soon with your Metal Gear Online Beta Codes, and instructions on how to download.

We apologize that everyone couldnt win, as we would have loved to give everyone a prize.   All I can say is keep an eye on the site for some other great contests and giveaways coming soon.   We are just about at our one month mark so this is only the beginning…

Without further ado the winners are….

mza49311 – CROSS

Sampson – Les Enfants Terribles

You will each be contacted with your codes shortly.

mza49311, because of your support on the site thus far, along with your gaming history, and great ideas, you are being welcomed to join the Sev1512 team.

Again thanks to all for participating, and we hope you enjoy the site.

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