quantic dream

Report: Quantic Dream Sues French Newspaper Over Article on Working Conditions

While players around the world wait to get their hands on the upcoming Detroit: Become Human, developers Quantic Dream are fighting their own battles back in their home city Paris. According to a recent report from Kotaku, the company behind the upcoming game has sued the French newspaper Le Monde as well as the website Mediapart for reports both publications did on the working conditions found with Quantic Dream.

If you’ll remember, this all stems back from reports made in both publications that alleged, along with the company having poor working conditions, racist behavior at the company. At the time, the reports were highly critical of the management at Quantic Dream, and while they have denied the report multiple times, it seems as if the company is willing to fight for their name in a court of law. As Kotaku said, this seems to be the first time that a video game studio is taking actual legal action against the press for negative reporting, so the court case – or lack thereof – that’s to come will certainly be interesting to monitor as time goes by. We’ll make sure to keep you updated as more information comes to light.

For more on the situation, check out below for Quantic Dream’s response to the allegations from earlier this year:

Articles published today level various allegations against Quantic Dream, its management and employees.

We categorically deny all of these allegations. Quantic Dream filed a complaint several months ago and further complaints will follow.

We invite interested parties to read the responses of our Employee Representatives and Health & Security Committee to questions submitted by the journalists prior to publication.

Inappropriate conduct or practices have no place at Quantic Dream. We have taken and always will take such grievances very seriously.

We value every single person who works at Quantic Dream. It is of utmost importance to us that we maintain a safe environment that allows us all to channel our shared passion for making video games.

Make sure to stay tuned for any future updates.

[Source: Kotaku]

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