dead by daylight patch notes

Dead by Daylight Patch Notes Released for Curtain Call Update

Today, a big, mid-season patch has dropped for asymmetrical horror game Dead by Daylight. The update is called Curtain Call, and brings a laundry list of updates to the game. Most notably, in addition to balance and bug fixes, is an extra layer of polish to the matchmaking systems. Before, players were being matched up well beyond their skill level. Now, developer Behavior Studios hopes to have closed that gap.

Here are the full patch notes for the PS4 version, as provided by Behavior via press release:


  • Feature – Added progress bar to emblem tooltips
  • Feature – Integrated additional Status Effect score notification for the Vigil and Decisive Strike perks
  • Feature – Integrated the Proficiency System to interaction progress bars from other players. For example, when a player is being healed by a different player, while a healing debuff perk is active (ie: Coulrophobia), they will see the debuff applied in their HUD.


  • Adjusted the Killer pick up (Pick up Survivor from ground) time to 3 seconds, down from 4.3 seconds
  • Changed the Obsession mechanic to show all players in the match who the Obsession is. All players will receive notification when the Obsession is in a chase (animated Entity spikes icon).
  • Exhaustion no longer recovers while running.
  • Wraith uncloaking: Adjusted the timing of the smoke effect (and its audio) for the Wraith’s uncloaking to avoid giving away his position earlier than intended


  • Players at Rank 15 will not be able to de-rank to Rank 16 (or lower) outside of rank reset.
  • From Rank 16 – 20, players will not lose pips or de-rank.

The number of pips that players receives back when the rank reset occurs has been adjusted to create distinct Rank ‘pools’.

  • Rank 1 will be reset to Rank 10 with 2 pips
  • Rank 2 will be reset to Rank 10 with 0 pips
  • Rank 3 will be reset to Rank 11 with 2 pips
  • Rank 4 will be reset to Rank 11 with 0 pips
  • Rank 5 will be reset to Rank 12 with 3 pips
  • Rank 6 will be reset to Rank 12 with 0 pips
  • Rank 7 will be reset to Rank 13 with 3 pips
  • Rank 8 will be reset to Rank 13 with 0 pips
  • Rank 9 will be reset to Rank 14 with 2 pips
  • Rank 10 will be reset to Rank 14 with 0 pips
  • Rank 11 will be reset to Rank 15 with 2 pips
  • Rank 12 will be reset to Rank 15 with 0 pips
  • Rank 13 will be reset to Rank 16 with 1 pips
  • Rank 14 will be reset to Rank 16 with 0 pips
  • Rank 15 will be reset to Rank 17 with 1 pip
  • Rank 16 will be reset to Rank 18 with 3 pips
  • Rank 17 will be reset to Rank 18 with 0 pips
  • Rank 18 will be reset to Rank 19 with 1 pips
  • Rank 19 will be reset to Rank 20 with 2 pips
  • Rank 20 will be reset to Rank 20 with 0 pips


  • Bitter Murmur: When a generator is completed, survivors within 16m of that generator will have their aura shown for 5 seconds, when the last generator is powered all survivor auras are shown for 5/7/10 seconds.
  • Brutal Strength: Brutal Strength will now increase the speed at which you damage generators in addition to pallets. 10%/15%/20% faster.
  • Hangman’s Trick: Hangman’s Trick will now reduce the bear trap re-spawn timer by 60 seconds.
  • Predator: Changed the way scratch marks are distributed – a smaller cone rather than a longer duration.
  • Save The Best For Last: Made the perk token based. Tokens are gained by attacking Survivors who are not the Obsession. Each token is worth a stackable 5% decreased cooldown on successful attacks. Attacking the Obsession makes you lose 4/3/2 tokens.
  • Sloppy Butcher: Added the Mangled Status Effect. 25% increased healing time after being hit in addition to the bleed. Mangled status effects do not stack.
  • Tinkerer: When a generator is repaired to 85%, Killer receives a loud noise indicator and Terror Radius is reduced to 0 meters for 8/10/12 seconds. NOTE: Add-ons are no longer affected by this perk.


  • Ace In The Hole: 100% chance to find an add-on of very rare rarity or lower, added a 10/25/50% chance to find a second add-on with an uncommon rarity or lower.
  • Calm Spirit: Additional modifier that causes survivors to not scream in pain when: being hit, under the effects of madness or being affected by the clown’s bottle.
  • Dark Sense: Reveal the killer’s aura for 5 seconds each time a generator is completed. When the final generator is completed, the killer’s aura is revealed for 5/7/10 seconds.
  • Deja Vu: Perk now reveals the aura’s of 3 generators, which are in close proximity to one another for 30/45/60 seconds, at the start of the match and each time a generator is completed for the person who is using Deja Vu.
  • Sole Survivor: Functionality change, for each survivor killed or sacrificed, your aura will not be readable within 16/18/20 meters from the killer.


  • Added a new add-on “Padded Jaws” for the Trapper (Common rarity). Bear traps do not inflict damage to trapped Survivors, and points awarded for trapping Survivors are increased by 100%.
  • Added a new add-on “Trapper Sack” for the Trapper (Common rarity). Start with and allows the transportation of 1 extra bear trap.
  • Changed trap setting time to have a 0.5 open phase, and 0.5 exit phase, previously it had been 1 second each. These times cannot be modified with add-ons.
  • Disarm time is set to 2.5 seconds instead of 1.5 seconds.
  • Increased loud noise indicator range for trap disarm from 48m to 10000000m
  • Logwood Dye and Tar bottle add-ons now stack
  • Sabotaged bear traps will respawn after 180 seconds, similar to the hook regeneration. The regeneration time can be modified with the Oily Coil add-on and with the perk Hangman’s Trick.
  • The mid phase animation has been reduced to 1.5 seconds, this can be modified using add-ons.

Add-on changes

  • Bloody Coil: Changed rarity from Very Rare to Ultra Rare.
  • Bloody Coil: Complete rework: When a Survivor disarms or sabotages a bear trap the Survivor is injured. Survivors are not put into the dying state when sabotaging or disarming a Bloody Coil, they can only be injured from healthy.
  • Diamond Stone: Renamed to Iridescent Stone. New mechanic where every 30 seconds one of the unset bear traps (chosen at random) will become set.
  • Honing Stone: Inflicts dying upon the trapped victim if they free themselves.
  • Trapper Bag: Allows the transportation of 2 extra bear traps (up from 1).


  • Changed trap setting time to have a 0.5 open phase, and 0.7 exit phase, previously it had been 1 second each. These times cannot be modified with add-ons.
  • Increased the trap teleport range to 40 meters from 32 meters
  • The mid phase animation has been reduced to 1 second, this can be modified using add-ons.
  • Revisited all of the Hag’s add-ons. We removed all the negative effects on the add-ons, giving the Hag the bit of a buff that she needs.

Add-on changes

  • Bloodied Mud: Removed the slight decrease of tripped trap duration time
  • Cracked Turtle Egg: Removed the moderately decreased range at which the Hag can teleport to her traps
  • Cypress Necklet: Removed stacks and removed Tinkerer mention
  • Disfigured Ear: Removed the considerable decrease of tripped trap duration time
  • Dragonfly Wings: Removed the slight increase of setting time for traps and removed Tinkerer mention
  • Dried Cicada: Removed the moderately increased setting time of the traps and Tinkerer mention
  • Half Eggshell: Removed the slightly decreased range at which the Hag can teleport to her traps
  • Pussy Willow Catkins: Removed the slightly reduced trap effective range
  • Rope Necklet: Removed stacks and removed Tinkerer mention
  • Scarred Hand: Removed the reduced movement speed
  • Swamp Orchid Necklet: Removed stacks and removed Tinkerer mention
  • Waterlogged Shoe: Slightly increased the Hag’s movement speed
  • Willow Wreath: Removed the moderately reduced trap effective range


  • Flower Babushka to have -12% instead of -20% charge time
  • Manna Grass Braid to have -8% instead of -10% charge time


  • Changed Myers carry speed in Tier I. Now he will carry Survivors at the same speed as Tier II and III (3.68 m/s)
  • Myers tier 1 speed buff from 90% (of 4.6 m/s) which means he currently moves at 4.14 m/s to 91.4% for 4.2 m/s


  • Brand New Part can no longer repair a generator 100%
  • Installing the Brand New Part will complete 15% of a generator over 5 seconds.
  • During the install there will be 2 difficult skill checks
  • Successful skill check will result in 5% progression each (for a maximum of 25% added progression)
  • The toolbox is no longer consumed when the add-on is used, add-on is consumed instead



  • Fixed an issue that caused male Survivors not to make any noise when cleansing totems
  • Fixed an issue that caused the trap disarm audio to be cut off or corrupted if the Trapper was not facing the trap
  • Fixed multiple community reported spelling and grammatical errors in Store customization items and Clown’s add-on texts in English
  • Minor localization and translation improvements


  • Fixed an issue that caused jittery animation when the Nurse attacked while carrying a Survivor
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Clowns gas bomb VFX to remain visible on the tally screen
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Hag’s killer stain to appear too bright
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Hag’s phantasm trap to appear misaligned when holding a directional key during the trap placement
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse to be able to cancel a charged blink by attacking
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse to be unable to use her blink power around the Asylum building in the Crotus Prenn Asylum map
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Survivor not to immediately go into crawl state when The Trapper hit them during the step in bear trap animation
  • Fixed an issue that caused the bear traps & trap indicator to become offset during the Trappers trap placement animation
  • Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause the Cannibal to be unable to destroy a pallet when using the chainsaw
  • Fixed an issue where the locked (unequippable) Cannibal’s Face Mask Collection customization items were not appearing in the players inventory


  • Fixed an LOD issue on one of the houses in Haddonfield
  • Fixed an impassable gap for Killers between a rock and a fence tile in the Autohaven Wrecker’s themed maps
  • Fixed an impassable gap for Killers between a rock and a tree in the Mother’s Dwelling map
  • Fixed an issue could cause less than 5 totems to spawn in the Pale Rose map
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to climb on top of a chest next to a broken boat in the Backwater Swamp themed maps
  • Fixed an issue that caused bear traps to sink into the stairs of the main building in the Blood Lodge map
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to become permanently stuck when interrupting a vault through a specific window in the Smokehouse building in the Mother’s Dwelling map
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to become permanently stuck when interrupting a vault through a specific window in the chapel building in the Father Campbell’s Chapel map
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a MacMillan killer hook to spawn in the Badham Preschool map if the basement was not located inside the preschool
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a player to become stuck in a closed room inside The Game map when rescued from the Killers grasp in a specific area
  • Fixed an issue that could cause multiple totems to spawn in the main building of the Groaning Storehouse map
  • Fixed an issue that could cause specific assets to disappear from a distance in the Crotus Prenn Asylum maps
  • Fixed an issue that could cause specific assets to disappear from a distance in the MacMillan Estate themed maps
  • Fixed an issue where the Pig and the Nightmare didn’t fall after vaulting through the window on the car crusher asset in Autohaven Wrecker’s themed maps


  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivor aura not to be visible within the exit gates when using the Blood Warden perk
  • Fixed an issue that caused generator progression when succeeding an Overcharge skill check
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Stake Out perk to accumulate tokens during the interrupt animation
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Windows of Opportunity perk to show the aura of a boarded-up window vault in Léry’s Memorial Institute
  • Fixed an issue where the extra hook escape attempts sometimes weren’t given when using the Slippery Meat perk


  • Added a tooltip on the “Filter” icon in the Store
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from viewing how much Player XP was calculated during the match when switching pages in the tally screen


  • Fixed an issue that allowed clients to spectate a broken screen if the host of the match disconnected
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivor hair and glasses to remain visible after disconnecting in the Dream State
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to briefly fly outside of the locker when the Killer grabs them out
  • Fixed an issue that caused a broken screen when spectating if the host of the match disconnected
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Bloodweb to skip levels if the last node was a perk
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Killer model in a Kill Your Friends lobby to be invisible when switching roles rapidly
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Killers stain to be active in the tally screen
  • Fixed an issue that caused the wrong Prestige item unlock order for the Hag and the Nurse
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Survivor’s face to appear solid white when rapidly swapping outfits in the Store
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the exit gate not to open if the Killer hit the Survivor at the very last frame of the interaction
  • Fixed an issue that made it possible to receive a reward at a lower rarity than ultra rare when purchasing an ultra rare mystery box in the Bloodweb
  • Tentatively fixed an issue that could cause clients to be unable to move once they have loaded into a match. This is a fix in addition to the one pushed live with 2.0.1a.
  • Tentatively fixed an issue that could cause players not to receive the first match of the day bonus XP
  • Various cosmetic adjustments and improvements


  • Fixed an issue that caused an infinite loading screen for clients when the host of the private lobby left via invite
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the user to be re-directed to the character select tab in the Store after selecting a character
  • Integrated missing translations for the Curtain Call trophy pack

2.0.0 – Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused a missing collision on a wall of the Wretched Shop building in Autohaven Wreckers when the basement spawned in the shack building

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Generator Icon & count to be invisible in the HUD in a match after completing the Tutorial levels

  • Fixed an issue that could cause a locker to spawn underneath a window in Father Campbell’s Chapel, thus allowing Survivor to hold the game hostage

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the pallet collision to remain active after being destroyed by a chainsaw attack from The Hillbilly or The Cannibal

  • Fixed the textures on Claudette’s Official Botanist Apron

Whew! Let us know in the comments how you feel about the update, especially if it made things better!


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