phillip k dick vr

Phillip K. Dick’s The Great C is Coming to PSVR, and the Venice Film Festival

The work of Phillip K. Dick, author of legendary science fiction stories such as Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (which you might know as Blade Runner) and A Scanner Darkly is about to make its debut in the VR space with an adaptation of The Great C from Secret Location. This is a “cinematic virtual reality narrative,” and will be shown for the first time at the Venice Film Festival.

In the post-apocalyptic world of The Great C, a powerful supercomputer rules over the last remaining members of human society. A village close to the computer must sacrifice a young person each year, sending them on a pilgrimage nobody has ever returned from. In the story, a woman named Claire has to deal with her fiancé being chosen for a pilgrimage, and decide whether or not to fight the tradition.

Secret Location, an Emmy-nominated studio that focuses on VR and other emergent tech, is designing The Great C by applying filmic language to the video game-like technology of VR.

The Great C will make its debut at the Venice Film Festival, and will continue on to select venues as a timed-exclusive the following September. After that, The Great C  will be released for PlayStation VR, Oculus Rift, and HTC Vive in Q4 2018.

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