baldurs gate 3

Divinity: Original Sin Studio Denies Reports That It’s Working on Baldur’s Gate 3

A rumor has been circulating online since late September, 2018 that Divinity: Original Sin developer, Larian Studios, has acquired Baldur’s Gate. The source of the rumor was RPG Codex, where a forum poster claimed that his friend – a former Larian developer – disclosed this information to him.

Not much was made of the post, however, until inXile Entertainment CEO Brian Fargo tweeted that he knows who is working on Baldur’s Gate 3, implying that the game is in development. For those who don’t know, Fargo founded Interplay Entertainment, which originally published Baldur’s Gate.

baldurs gate 3 tweet

Meanwhile, Larian Studios has told Wccftech in a statement that it’s neither working on Baldur’s Gate 3 nor has it acquired the IP. The developer said that it intends to continue working on Divinity and its upcoming project codenamed Gustav.

Not much is known about Gustav but Larian did reveal that it “blends the same things that we’ve been exploring all the time. It’s going to be narrative, systems, multiplayer, new things, new ideas.”

As for Baldur’s Gate 3, Fargo’s tweet certainly suggests that the game is in development.

The last Baldur’s Gate title to grace a PlayStation platform was 2004’s Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance II, which released on the PS2 among other platforms.

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[Source: RPG Codex via ResetEra, Wccftech, Brian Fargo (Twitter)]

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