fallout 76 survival mode

Bethesda on Fallout 76: If Devs Don’t Try Something Different, We Won’t Get Games Like Horizon Zero Dawn

Bethesda’s Pete Hines has said that the studio doesn’t regret trying something different with Fallout 76, and just because the change wasn’t well-received, it doesn’t mean it was a bad decision.

Speaking to Greg Miller on the Kinda Funny YouTube channel (via Wccftech), Hines that Bethesda wanted to avoid sitting in its comfort zone and releasing games based on the same single-player formula over and over again. He’s of the view that the developer needs to learn some lessons and ensure that players get a smooth experience in the future.

“The main reason for Fallout 76 was that the studio felt like multiplayer and shared experience was something that was brought up the most by folks who play Elder Scrolls games and Fallout games,” Hines explained. “They wanted to expand a little bit and try something different, not to the exclusion of ever making the kind of games that they’re known for.”

Hines reiterated that Bethesda isn’t done with single-player games and that it simply wanted to try its hand at multiplayer.

“Otherwise you do get pigeonholed into, like, ‘I’m only ever making this kind of game,'” he continued. “I mean, I think I’ve mentioned this to you before, but you don’t get Horizon Zero Dawn if that team [Guerrilla Games] sticks to what they were known for and had always made. They pivoted and tried something that I think is substantially different than what they had made before.”

What do our readers think of Hines’ comments? Share your thoughts with us below.

[Source: Kinda Funny via Wccftech]

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