Joe's Diner

Joe’s Diner Gets Patch to Make It Backwards Compatible on PlayStation 5

Survival horror title Joe’s Diner hadn’t really grabbed many headlines until it became one of ten PlayStation 4 games that players wouldn’t be able to play on PlayStation 5 through backwards compatibility. According to Twisted Voxel, developer VIS-Games has now remedied this by releasing a patch to make the game playable on the PS5.

The patch to make the game backwards compatible is the first update the game has ever received; the lack of support is likely one of the reasons the game received a critical hammering when it was released on PS4. The patch’s sole purpose is to make the game playable on Sony’s newest console, so if you were expecting it to fix anything else, you’ll be sorely disappointed.

The title is not the only one on the list to become backwards compatible. Shadow Complex Remastered was patched on November 19 so it could be played on PS5. Other titles will likely be joining it in the future. Developer Mad Triangles stated they were hoping to patch DWVR by the time the console launched, although they missed this target. KT Racing will also be updating TT Isle of Man – Ride on the Edge 2 sometime in the future.

Unfortunately, some of the other titles on that list will be highly unlikely to ever be playable on PS5. Shadwen freezes on the game’s loading screen. Due to the age of the engine running the title, it’s unlikely to ever be fixed. We Sing requires either a USB microphone or the delisted We Sing Mic App to play the game. The game is unlikely to be updated for the few people who have a compatible microphone. Meanwhile, Afro Samurai 2: Revenge of Kuma Volume One was considered so much of a failure that publisher Versus Evil cancelled volumes two and three, removed volume one from sale, and refunded all of the players who’d bought it.

Right now, the futures of the remaining three games on the list, Just Deal With It!, Robinson: The Journey, and Hitman Go: Definitive Edition, are unclear. Would you miss these games if you couldn’t play them on PlayStation 5?

[Source: Twisted Voxel]

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