Call of duty league super week

Call of Duty League Super Week is Seven Straight Days of Competition in Response to Power Outages in Texas

Sometimes unexpected events force the need to shift schedules. Call of Duty League is no stranger to these turns of events, being forced to completely change how the 2020 season was handled amid the pandemic. After coming back stronger than ever for the 2021 season, with the opening weekend breaking League viewership records, freezing temperatures and power outages in Texas have required some reconfiguring of the week 2 and week 3 schedule for Stage 1 of the season.

In an event CDL is calling Super Week, the League is combining the matches from Week 2 (which should have started today) and Week 3 (scheduled to start next Thursday) into one long event, seven straight days of competition that will begin on Monday, February 22nd at 12pm PT. The Super Week opening event will feature two matchups: Florida Mutineers vs. Los Angeles Guerrillas followed by Toronto Ultra vs. Atlanta FaZe. The rest of the week will see triple header matchups each day to ensure that every match gets played. The matches are the same 20 matches that would have been played in the standard Week 2 and Week 3 events, now in a different order and combined into the single seven-day Super Week event. A full schedule is now available on the CDL website.

Your CDL Pick ’em choices should persist (being the same matches from Week 2 and Week 3), but you should check the site to make sure your predictions remain intact.

Call of Duty League Super Week Schedule

Call of Duty League Super Week comes in response to freezing temperatures, snowfall, and power outages across Texas which have caused issues for some players. 24 players across various CDL teams live in Dallas, and the shift of the schedules allows the teams to adjust and prepare given the ongoing dire conditions in the state. Using the weekend to get safely situated for competitive play, the Super Week will let the 2021 season continue relatively unhindered. Plans for subsequent weeks’ competition so far remain unchanged.

As with all Call of Duty League streams, you can catch the Super Week matches on

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