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Bethesda Says Making Microsoft Exclusives Will Allow Devs to Stay Focused and Make Better Games

The Telegraph recently quizzed Bethesda’s Todd Howard about Microsoft’s acquisition of Zenimax Media and leaving PlayStation platforms out going forward. In response, the executive said that while developers don’t want to leave players out, being Microsoft exclusive will allow them to be more focused and make better games.

According to Howard, Microsoft’s vision aligns with Bethesda’s in that Microsoft wants to “get games to more people.” While this statement seems contrary to what the acquisition is about, Howard is referring to Game Pass.

He said:

You don’t ever want to leave people out, right? But at the end of the day, your ability to focus and say, this is the game I want to make, these are the platforms I want to make it on, and being able to really lean in on those is going to make for a better product.

By focusing on those platforms, you really get to lean in a lot on making it the best it can be for those systems. And we’re big believers in all of the avenues that Xbox and Microsoft are doing to get games to more people. Whether that’s the integration with the PC, which is huge for us, the cloud streaming and all those things. So I think it’s about taking a long term view. And our belief that those things are really fundamentally good. So we see it actually opening up more and more and more so that people’s ability to play our games – via Game Pass and other things – their ability to play our games doesn’t go down. It goes up dramatically.

Howard concluded that Bethesda being part of the Microsoft family is “great” for the gaming community.

[Source: The Telegraph via Wccftech]

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