Bungie also confirms the story arc won't be resolved in full with just the first game.
Sony confirms support for the PS3.
Bundled for your convenience.
"That Wizard Came From the Moon" will be updated, says Bungie.
How do you feel about QTEs in games?
Watch gaming footage from YouTube at 60fps.
Da Gooch's next project will be revealed soon! But don't jump for joy just yet.
Hollywood weighs in on Kojima's E3 showing for MGSV: The Phantom Pain.
"We wanted our worlds to be a place people felt good about spending time in," claims Bungie on Destiny.
Double up on XP before Invasion hits next week!
Evolution's Paul Rustchynsk says it's because you can only do so much on any platform...
Xbox One owners should be happy with this news.
What refinements are you expecting?
From Nathan Drake to Mario, check out the best Resogun user-created ships we've seen so far.