A few days ago discussion ran wild after Nvidia posted a chart that showed current generation graphics cards beating out…
DICE has shocked many gamers with the Battlefield 3 beta on several fronts, one of which was their choice of…
It’s been known for quite a while now that Batman won’t be the only playable character in the upcoming title Batman:…
Uncharted is widely considered to be one of the greatest IPs of this generation, and for good reason; its developer,…
Battlefield 3 is less than a month away from deploying, and it will mark the first time since March of…
Just this last week, Battlefield 3 began its long-anticipated beta across three platforms. After months, if not years of hype,…
In an effort to battle piracy and second-hand sales, online passes have been implemented by several major companies including the…
3D support has gradually become more commonplace over the past year, with several well-known developers announcing their support for the technology. Ubisoft…
Dark Souls released in Japan only days ago and, while Japanese gamers have been fortunate to play one of 2011’s…
A few years back many thought that it’d be impossible for Crysis to ever be playable on a current-generation console,…
Call of Duty Elite, the series’ first subscription model, has been under scrutiny since it was revealed by Activision earlier…
id Software revealed yesterday that the PlayStation 3 version of Rage will require an 8GB install, a fact that has…
Last month, Naughty Dog stated that Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception will surpass 50GB of space, but will be condensed to…
Throughout the course of the year, Capcom has announced several exclusive characters for the upcoming PlayStation 3 and Vita versions of Street…