If you enjoy driving sweet cars quickly through the city, weaving through traffic and zipping in and out of alleyways,…
It wasn’t long ago that Sony announced that the charming Hot Shots Golf (Everybody’s Golf in Europe and Minna no…
Tali has been an iconic character for the Mass Effect series since its inception, and has attracted a large amount…
Tomb Raider shocked the E3 audience this year with what appeared to be a gripping, emotional experience with none other…
2011 has already been chock-full of great games (LittleBigPlanet 2, inFamous 2, etc.) , and awesome surprises (Vita for $249.99…
The team at DICE has been no stranger to commotion, and as a result has aimed the spotlight directly on…
Over the years, Call of Duty and Battlefield have had their bouts, although both games strive to deliver very different…
During Konami’s press conference this year, they made the thrilling announcement that a Metal Gear Solid collection is in the…
Prepares to focus on new ideas.
People said that Crysis could never be brought to consoles; the texture definition was too high, character models had far…
Dynasty Warriors has been around for a long, long time, and the seventh iteration of the series hit worldwide just…
For the past few days, Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception has been the talk of the town. Its closed beta just…
Believe it or not, it’s been four years since the PlayStation Network met Super Stardust HD, a title that would…
If there’s one game that has shooter fans googly eyed this year, Battlefield 3 is the one. DICE’s latest product…