Dragon Age: Origins is an action RPG by BioWare slated for release next month. Only a couple months ago, the…
When Uncharted 2: Among Thieves came out only a week and a half ago it was instantly met with both…
Since the ancient beginnings of the gaming industry, games have been purchased in physical (disc or cartridge) form. Most consumers…
For the past few months, Sony has been pushing a new 3D technology. The technology utilizes 120hz displays and splits…
When the PlayStation 3 Slim was announced only 2 months ago, millions around the globe were shocked when they noticed…
Now that PlayStation Home has been out for close to a year now, many have found reason not to like…
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is quickly approaching its release date, which is now only days away. The multiplayer demo for…
The Uncharted 2: Among Thieves official release date is now only 3-days away. Last week it was revealed that the…
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars was originally on the Nintendo DS, but was recently announced as having an upcoming PSP…
Final Fantasy XIV was announced at E3 2009 as an upcoming “sequel” to the hit MMORPG title Final Fantasy XI.…
When the PlayStation 3 was released almost 3 years ago, it was almost immediately met with negative media. Since the…
The Uncharted 2: Among Thieves open beta began last week, and already tens of thousands of people have participated in…
When the PlayStation 3 Slim was officially announced 2 months ago, along with it came a strong Sony marketing campaign.…
The PlayStation Store has been home to some great updates in the past few weeks including demos, videos and other…