Team ICO has been hard at work on their upcoming title, The Last Guardian, exclusively for the PlayStation 3. Since…
Amazon Japan recently let the cat out of the bag by putting up the official Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker…
Flight enthusiasts are patiently waiting for the upcoming title from Sega known as After Burner Climax. Originally released in arcades…
DJ Hero recently came out this past October. Many praised it for its differentiation from the already established Guitar Hero series, which revolutionized…
Gamers are always looking for the edge to improve their gaming abilities, whether in single player or multiplayer sessions. U.S. researchers…
The original PlayStation Portable is still selling very well in Japan. Just how well, you ask? The Media Create numbers have finally been…
There is no doubt that analyst, Michael Pachter, is well known throughout the gaming community for his predictions. Some of…
I Am Alive was originally being developed by Darkworks. It is supposed to feature you, the protagonist, in Chicago after…
Australia has been known for banning games based upon their strict classification board. Games from the likes of Fallout 3…
Toys R’ Us is not the place where most gamers shop for the latest and hottest video games. For the…
The NFL playoffs are an exciting time of the year for football fans all over as fans root for teams…
For those that have never experienced the greatness of Tecmo Super Bowl I truly feel sorry for you. This is…
The days are counting down. Heavy Rain will be released in a little over a month. To help ease some…
Ubisoft is apparently hard at work on the next Assassin’s Creed title already. They recently stated that it will feature…