Battlefield 1943 Invades Wake Island this June [Update] A recent Twitter from OfficialBF1943, who happens to Gordon Van Dyke, the producer on Battlefield 1943, revealed that something is on…
Wild New Ways To Annihilate Zombies in Dead Rising The newest trailer for Capcom’s highly anticipated zombie game, Dead Rising 2, shows some of the new ways to boost…
Insomniac Home Spaces Under Construction It looks as if we are in for a treat with upcoming Home Spaces from Insomniac Games. This time from…
Living the LifeStyle: Weekly Community Update 04/06/09 Welcome to a new weekly community update for the PlayStation LifeStyle forums. Every week I will select various threads that…
PS3 Review – WWE Legends of WrestleMania We lay the smackdown on WWE: Legends of WrestleMania in our latest review...
PlayStation Store Global Update 04/02/09 Time for another PlayStation Store Global Update, this time for the week of 3/29/09-4/5/09. Here are the following releases around…
PlayStation Store Global Update 03/26/09 Quite a nice update we are seeing on the PS Store globally today. Here are the following releases around the…
This Week’s Singstar Doesn’t Disappoint The Singstar fans were treated to quite an impressive update today in both the UK and the US. The songs…
More HD Remixes In The Works? Capcom recently talked to and told them that they are in no way done with doing “HD Remixes”. Full…
Gomibako is to Trash as Tetris is to Blocks There is a new trailer for a game that is already turning heads. It is called Gomibako. Judging from the…
New Guitar Hero Metallica Info There are a couple new videos and screens from the upcoming Guitar Hero: Metallica game that is in the works.…