The Devil May Cry series began it’s story back in 2001, quickly becoming one of the most renowned hack and…
Many thought Demon’s Souls would never succeed commercially because of the high difficulty level – with one wrong move meaning…
Saint’s Row has been one of the only games to rival GTA‘s sandbox-style open world this entire generation. With its…
Kaos Studios and THQ have put a great deal of time and effort into the upcoming shooter, Homefront. They hope…
It has already become apparent that Sony Online Entertainment has a hit on their hands with the first MMO to…
The EA Sports Madden NFL series is the king of American football, but is it the king of simulating live…
David Jaffe, the father of both Twisted Metal and God of War, is well known for hilarious quotes regarding the…
The Oddworld series had quite a following on the original PlayStation. Though there were only two titles released on the…
With the recent announcement of the Sony NGP, Nintendo should be a bit worried with their 3DS launch on the…
Everyone knows that Ken Kutaragi is considered the father of not only the PS1, PS2, PS3, but also the PSP.…
One big benefit of owning a piece of high-quality equipment like the PlayStation 3 is just how simple it is…
Apparently, some PlayStation 3 owners have experienced some issues with BioWare’s recent release of Mass Effect 2, with save files corrupting…
A new PlayStation 3 Firmware is now live. This is a minor security patch, so don’t expect any major new…
Treyarch and Activision already know how successful Call of Duty: Black Ops has been since it’s launch back in November.…