How to stab me in the heart, both figuratively and literally.
Or, more specifically, "Mo money, mo problems."
War, boobs, dragons, and I don't even know what's real anymore.
And so am I!
Local co-op, the spirit of Castlevania, and dystopian bartending on your favorite PlayStation systems.
Softer. No, softer than that. I said SOFT...crap, now they're after us. Thanks, Gary. Thanks for getting us killed.
Watch me begin an interview by telling a game developer "You really look like hell."
I'm not even the biggest VR fan in the world, but I absolutely loved this.
Make me proud.
A battle of wits!?
I held out as long as I could.
No way, no how. I can not follow this website's master plan.
Evolve or die, they say.
Amazing! A game about being good at games!