See what this Vita-exclusive has to offer.
See more of Aquria and FuRyu's Vita-exclusive RPG.
Lacrimosa sounds like a non-dairy alternative to milk.
14 Kings though? I mean there's gotta be an argument as to who is the real king at some point.
It means "Thank you" in Spanish.
We've seen it on Vita, now check out the PS4 version.
Power up. Scream.
Shipping to Japan this June.
You can play it in the GD f*cking woods if you want to.
We discuss 4 PlayStation RPGs, some new and some old.
Dev joins the podcast to talk Earthbound, development, and the upcoming YIIK: A Postmodern RPG.
Job listing sure looks like a Wild ARMs sequel or successor.
The ESRB cannot rate "S" Word Online, however.