If you’re as pumped up as we are about the true sequel to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, then…
Having just released yesterday, Ghostbusters: The Video Game is looking to stay true to the original material, while providing users…
In a series of Twitter messages, it has been confirmed that VidZone videos, on average, will run around 30mb.
Infinity Ward is so confident in their upcoming, sure-to-be blockbuster, Modern Warfare 2, that they used an expletive to describe…
Announced at this years E3, the PS3 motion controller, pictured above, is looking to wow users with its incredible accuracy.…
Word has just gotten out that GameStop will be offering an exclusive, preorder-only, early demo of Madden 10.
If you are wondering why Sega did not share any information about their two upcoming games, Aliens: Colonial Marines and…
EA COO John Pleasants firmly believes that the game industry is evolving into more of a service, and that the…
Secretly embedded in the newest Burnout Paradise DLC, Big Surf Island, is the ability to unlock toy versions of the…
Released last week on the PSN store, the legendary and highly anticipated Final Fantasy VII has topped the charts.
PlayStation LifeStyle has for you Heavy Rain’s official E3 trailer. The trailer gives a good perspective on the games characters,…
The proposition that bringing a turntable to the next Guitar Hero game isn’t that too fetched, according to Neversoft. Also,…
Some new Uncharted 2 high quality screens have hit the internet. The graphical beauty, Uncharted 2 : Among Thieves, is…
According to the latest Kojima Productions podcast, the team behind Metal Gear Solid Rising is planning on creating an entirely…