Just Add Water has provided some new information about the status of Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath HD for PlayStation Vita, in…
Ubisoft has announced the fourth and final member of the celebrity promotional team for Ghost Recon Future Soldier.
Rocksteady has released a new, full trailer for the story-based DLC for Batman: Arkham City, Harley Quinn’s Revenge.
Ubisoft has announced the first details about the multiplayer beta for upcoming FPS, Far Cry 3.
Rockstar’s latest game, Max Payne 3, has received free downloadable content for the game’s multiplayer mode.
Square Enix has announced that the final set of downloadable content for Final Fantasy XIII-2 will be released today.
The first details for the PlayStation Vita brain-training title Smart As have been announced.
A listing on Sony’s Hong Kong site appears to have leaked details for upcoming downloadable content for Mass Effect 3.
Escape Hatch Entertainment President and Chief Creative Officer Garry Gaber realized his goal for the funding of an original space…
Sony has announced plans to hold another PlayStation Vita Heaven event.
Burnout and Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit developer Criterion is looking for a Software Engineer for PlayStation Vita, with one…
PixelJunk 4am is part game, part music-making/mixing software, and part freeform experience. No one part of those components ever overtakes…
Ubisoft has released the launch trailer for Ghost Recon Future Soldier.
Sony has released a list of PSP games and minis that will available to download for Vita on the PlayStation…