Shortly after the release of Ninja Theory's Enslaved, reports of audio issues began to surface over the game's ability to…
In just under one month, Sony’s PlayStation Move controller has already made a stunning impression upon the European market. Its…
Are you familiar with that saying “It’s so crazy that it just might work!?†Sure, we hear lots of crazy…
Many PS3 users have been reporting frustration and anger over Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, and it’s not over the difficulty…
A while back, we learned that an old classic is making its way from the boxy arcades straight to your…
Awhile back, we reported that Yoshinori Ono had plans to release an arcade version of Super Street Fighter IV (SSFIV)…
Ninja Theory's Odyssey to the West will easily have you Enslaved...
A while back we found an exclusive 1-day promotion from GameStop that allowed gamers to receive extra swag for locking…
Part of what makes Red Dead: Redemption great is the ability to expand your playtime through the use of downloadable…
Ninja Theory's Enslaved is making quite an entry into its release week. And to keep that momentum going, they are…
Since 2007, Neversoft and Activision have rolled out seven iterations of their Guitar Hero frachise, which is probably a record…
Famous movie director, Guillermo del Toro has revealed that he indeed has partnered a deal with developer THQ. With del…
Only a few months have passed after Hothead Games released the original DeathSpank onto the PlayStation Network. This surprising little…
Electronic Arts’ Dead Space 2 Beta has crept onto the scene late Thursday night, inviting a hand-picked few to test…