After Quantic Dream finished the award winning Heavy Rain, people have been desperate for any news on David Cage's next…
Sony’s newfangled motion device is off to a promising start according to the latest sales figures. With Andrew House of…
October 25th marks the date when eager PlayStation Plus members can get their hands on the Killzone 3 multiplayer beta.…
Still feeling a bit down about not getting in the first wave of the LittleBigPlanet 2 beta? Don’t be, because…
3D Realms has had its share of misfortune with Duke Nukem Forever, spending 11 years and a considerable amount of…
Capcom, publisher of zombie-mashing game Dead Rising 2, snubbed a lot of PlayStation 3 owners when they were left in…
It’s the sort of thing we’ve come to expect from Sony Online Entertainment’s two big MMOs, considering both DC Universe…
You could have fooled us. After last month’s semi-secret ‘leak’ that inFamous 2 would be included in the growing line-up…
Fresh from the Eurogamer Expo is the news that the Move features for LittleBigPlanet 2 –which as you may remember…
Since its announcement at gamescom, envious fans of Bioware’s sci-fi RPG have been wondering how the recap of the story…
You may remember a couple of weeks ago, families of soldiers and various politicians being involved in an uproar over…
I reckon it’s that beard. There’s just something about it which screams “pre-order me!!”
For those of you who aren’t aware of this new puzzler, Create tasks you with decorating the landscape and adding…
If there was ever a title worthy of receiving the “Game of the Year” moniker and a subsequent release filled…