The fact that Darksiders III exists at all is something of a miracle. When THQ (the original publisher of Darksiders I and II) went under, it seemed that the light at the end of the apocalypse was flickering out. When Nordic Games (now THQ Nordic) bought the rights to the franchise, excitement was immediately renewed. THQ Nordic remastered the first two titles, forged a new studio made up of many original developers from Vigil Games, and set to work on bringing the end of the world back to life.
Darksiders tells the story of the apocalypse from the perspective of the four horsemen of the, well, you know, apocalypse. The first game told an impassioned and interesting story about War, wrongly accused of breaking the seventh seal and instigating the end of creation. Death took center stage in the second, with the game’s timeline running parallel to the first. And following suit, Darksiders III tails Fury, the horsemen’s female sibling, during that same time. Fury is tasked by the Charred Council with taking down the Seven Deadly Sins who have escaped and are roaming about the Earth.

Fury’s story does get quite a bit more interesting than the synopsis might betray. One worries about how to retell the same story from three different perspectives. Telling Fury’s part comes down to her own fiery personality and bond with her horse. She’s in this for no one but herself, but when she gets pulled into the celestial deception that framed her brother and ended the world, all bets are off the table. There’s a little bit more depth to this character, even if it does take some digging to get there. The voice acting and character design are all classic Darksiders. There are some great moments, whether it’s between Fury and her Watcher, or the horseman and the stunningly designed bosses that she encounters.
Making Death Mean Something
Too often in games, death means very little, and I’m not talking about the horseman. If Darksiders had a Legend of Zelda feel and Darksiders II leaned more on the loot aspects of games like Diablo, then Darksiders III pulls heavily from Dark Souls. It’s a cliche comparison, but one that Darksider’s III earns in full. Fights are designed to be tough and the world unforgiving. Don’t expect any obvious tells or HUD indicators for when you need to dodge. Trial and error can make quick work of a boss that initially seems unbeatable. Bad timing and even direction can mean a very quick death. Learning enemies’ attacks is key to winning any battle, even against the simplest of foes. Collected souls are Fury’s way of leveling up, but if she falls, those souls are lost. Return to where you died, and you can pick them up again, but the challenges between respawn and those souls wait once more.
Gunfire Games completely rethought the “hub and spoke” design of the world that made up the first two games. While those felt a lot more like The Legend of Zelda in terms of world design, Darksiders III takes the approach of a dungeon crawler. There is no central hub location where each of the areas extends out from. The entire sprawling world is a twisted maze, looping back around on itself in creative ways that I didn’t see coming. It was an interesting treat to arrive in a boss room and realize that I had been staring at it 30 minutes earlier from a different perspective. Various abilities unlock new passages, shortcuts, and make the world feel like a big interconnected hive of tunnels, with payoff coming later in the game as you unlock more ways to traverse it.
Discovery in the world may beget challenges too powerful at that moment. Completionists who scour every corner and every path will find that they need to return at a later time. Without a map, it’s tough to remember exactly where some of these challenges were, but taking away the map also leads to more moments of discovery in the looping dungeon. I loved not relying on a map and the surprises that came along with it. A compass will at least guide you in the right direction, so if you’re purely intent on getting to the next Sin to defeat it, you can eschew discovery and follow the golden path.
From a purely maze-design perspective, Darksiders III’s world is brilliantly realized. Aesthetically, however, it’s a bit less inspired. While there are some amazing set-pieces to encounter, such as a massive skyscraper that had fallen into a cavern or a dinosaur skeleton in a museum, most areas were simply pulled from the “visual guide to the apocalypse.” There are enough iconic locations that navigating the maze can rely on those landmarks, but the tunnels in between are often little more than craggy caverns that don’t retain visual interest.
Loading the Apocalypse
If it’s not enough that Darksiders III is fighting an uphill battle wavering between dated designs and holding players’ interest, it’s fraught with technical hiccups and issues. Some areas experience extreme slowdown and frame dips, creating impossible scenarios where near frame-perfect timing is required for combat. Loading times between areas are poorly optimized. I would find myself hitting freeze points where the game would struggle to load the assets for the next area I was entering for between five and ten seconds. With the maze-like design of the world, this can sometimes occur multiple times in a short period. In some areas, if I spun the camera too fast, there was some severe pop-in for textures and objects, enough that I could get glimpses of the skybox behind the environment for a split second. It’s still playable, but these are issues that players will definitely notice. Hopefully a patch can come along and optimize some of these problems, putting the focus back on the game itself.
Darksiders III is a game for fans, but it will struggle to find lasting appeal outside of that audience. It has a slow start that won’t do much to sway anyone that’s not invested. If you’re willing to dig deep and stick with it, Darksiders III can be an extremely rewarding experience that has a lot to offer. It diverges from the first two games enough to feel interesting, but retains a distinct look and feel that fans of the series will instantly be familiar with. Technical issues drag the experience down, but underneath them is a game that people have been clamoring for. While not my favorite of the series, it’s good to be back in this world in yet another horseman’s shoes. I can only hope that we get to finish out the four with Darksiders IV and Strife.
Darksiders III review code provided by publisher. Version 1.01 reviewed on a standard PS4. For more information on scoring, please see our Review Policy
Darksiders 3 info dump
Darksiders III – EYNTK
Let's get to it, shall we?
What is Darksiders III?
It's the third chapter in THQ's apocalyptic saga and one which switches the focus over to Fury, the most powerful Horsemen of them all.
Per Gunfire Games:
"Return to an apocalyptic Earth in Darksiders III, a hack-n-slash Action Adventure where players assume the role of Fury in her quest to hunt down and dispose of the Seven Deadly Sins. The most unpredictable and enigmatic of the Four Horsemen, Fury must succeed where many have failed – to bring balance to the forces that now ravage Earth. Darksiders III is the long-anticipated, third chapter in the critically-acclaimed Darksiders franchise."
What's the Story?
In Darksiders III, we follow Fury, who must rise up against the Seven Deadly Sins and reclaim Earth—or what's left of it.
Gunfire has already gone on record to say that the game will explore the deft balance between order and chaos, while the official synopsis reads as so:
"Earth is now overrun by the Seven Deadly Sins and the mystical creatures and degenerated beings that serve them. The Charred Council calls upon Fury to battle from the heights of heaven down through the depths of hell in a quest to restore the balance and prove that she is the most powerful of the Horsemen."
How Does it Play?
As with any video game sequel, Darksiders III straddles that all-important line between the old and the new, though Lars Wingefors, Co-Founder and Group CEO of THQ Nordic, has promised a pure Darksiders experience.
"As promised, we have taken our time to ensure that this next Darksiders will be everything action-adventure gamers and especially Darksiders loyalists could dream of and more."
Meet Fury
Voiced by industry veteran Cissy Jones (Firewatch), Fury is seemingly the most fearsome Horsemen, and her incredible combat capabilities reveal why the Seven Deadly Sins will be quaking in their boots.
The Many Faces of Fury
Up until now, THQ Nordic and Gunfire Games have peeled back the curtain on three of Fury's forms. The Force Hollow, for instance, allows players to unleash concentrated blasts of energy.
It'll help add some diversity to the core gameplay, and below, you'll find a detailed description of the Force Hollow.
"The Force Hollow allows Fury the collection and precise focusing of energy into concentrated attacks. With Scorn taking on the appearance of a giant hammer, Fury can shatter her enemy’s defenses and inflict severe damage. Scorn can also act as a focal point for magnetic attraction—allowing Fury to draw in energy, rubble, and even enemies, before releasing it all in a single explosive burst. With great effort, Fury can even maintain this magnetic sphere to traverse walls and ceilings."
From the Ashes of THQ
For the longest time, it looked certain that any hope for a third Darksiders game would be snuffed out by the collapse of THQ. Not so.
The Seven Deadly Sins
Gunfire has rounded up a rogue's gallery of despicable creatures for Fury to confront, including Sloth, Envy and Wrath.
More details on the other four are expected over the coming days, but for now, here's a little tease of what to expect:
"His preference is to sit idle atop his throne, allowing his countless minions to defend him and even move him around inside his hollowed-out subway lair. Don’t let the bedsores fool you – Sloth is a mighty force when prodded into battle!
"Wrath feasts on the anger of others, stoking the fires of conflict in all living things to further his violent crusade. The strongest of the Seven Deadly Sins, he relishes the ferocity of battle, dispatching foes with a savage, relentless brutality.
"A wretched and warped being dismissed even by her fellow Sins, Envy is the manifestation of jealousy and covetous desire. She assumes the form of a gnarled, bird-like creature, with tattered robes and an enchanted staff. Envy seeks to claim all that Earth has to offer as her own." -
Progression Need Not Be Linear
Players won't be bound to a set path in Darksiders III, for Gunfire Games has allowed us to choose which sin to fight first.
A Meaty Campaign
Based on early estimates, the Darksiders III campaign will take around 15 hours to complete.
No Mini-Map to Speak Of
In order to boost immersion, Gunfire has done away with the standard mini-map in time for Darksiders III.
According to Senior Designer Richard Vorodi, it's a conscious decision: "We didn’t think players like them. We want players to get lost."
A Touch of Bloodborne
Your ears do not deceive you; the Darksiders III soundtrack is composed by the inimitable Cris Velasco, whose credits include Bloodborne, God of War III, and Resident Evil 7.
Less Story, More Gameplay
According to Gunfire Games Co-Founder David Adams, the Darksiders III dev team has doubled down on gameplay over story.
Said he:
"Darksiders is and has always been a video game. There’s still cool cutscenes and we have scenes around all of the Sins, and cool key story moments, but you’re not being bombarded by story – you’re running around fighting stuff and solving puzzles. That was a purposeful decision."
The 411 on DLC
Post-launch DLC plans for Darksiders III begin with The Crucible, a hoard-esque mode that has Fury fending off waves upon waves of enemies. The second, entitled Keepers of the Void, ships Fury off to the Serpent Holes at the behest of demon merchant Vulgrim.
Neither add-on has a release date as of yet, while we understand Gunfire also has plans for a third and final content pack, the details of which are yet to be revealed.
Nostalgia, in 4K
If you missed out on the first two Darksiders games from Vigil Games, don't fret; both Darksiders: Warmastered Edition and Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition are to receive free, 4K updates in anticipation of the third game.
Gameplay Footage
Eager to see some buttery-smooth gameplay from Darksiders III? We've got you covered.
A Little Help From Prima Games
For those wanting to ace every aspect of Darksiders III, look no further than this dedicated guide from Prima Games.
It's essentially tailor-made for the completionist, which brings us to...
Trophy List
If you're curious, the official Darksiders III trophy list has been published, and it's comprised of 50 accolades in total, Platinum included.
Fourth Game Already in the Pipeline
Not one to rest on their laurels, Gunfire seemingly has plans for a fourth (and final?) Darksiders game centred on Pestilence—or in Darksiders canon, Strife.
Apocalypse Edition
Priced at an eye-watering $400, the Darksiders III Apocalypse Edition is the ultimate package for Darksiders fans, and bundles together the following:
- Premium Box (~117cm or 46″)
- Wall Scroll – Fabric print with hanger (77x100cm or 30″x40″)
- 4 Figurines: Fury (29cm or 11″ “high”), Vulgrim, War & Death (each about 25cm or 10″ “high”)
- Heavy weight amulet (5cm or 2″ with necklace)
- Original Steelbook
- Artbook
- Soundtrack
- Game
- The Crucible DLC
- Keepers of the Void DLC
- Fury Exclusive Armor DLC – a completely original skin replacing
- Fury’s base armor set (purely cosmetic, no gameplay impact)
Our Final Verdict
Our own Chandler Wood will be handling the review of Darksiders III for PSLS, so look for that one to drop very soon.