Sam Fisher May Sneak Onto PlayStation 3

Sam Fisher and Splinter Cell have generally been synonymous with the Xbox brand. Sam did, after all, make his debut on the original Xbox. It was no surprise that Splinter Cell Conviction is exclusive to the 360. Recently Splinter Cell Convictions’ creative director, Max Beland, spoke about the series’ multiplatform future and a possible return to PlayStation.

Max Beland (Ubisoft Montreal) recently revealed to Edge-Online that while Splinter Cell Conviction is a bought and paid for exclusive, the future of the series is still open. Microsoft’s exclusivity agreement ends with Conviction, which means future editions to the series are likely to be multi-platform.

“[The next game] is open to new deals,” he added. “If Microsoft wants an exclusivity deal, they don’t call me, it’s Yves [Guillemot, Ubisoft CEO] dealing with the business people. But yeah, I guess we could even be a PS3 exclusive if there’s a deal that makes people happy there.”

Beland stopped short of confirming any future titles but did reiterate the studio’s commitment to delivering franchise updates every 12-18 months.



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