Rockstar Hoping to Release Grand Theft Auto V Patch Tomorrow to Address Common GTA Online Issues

For everyone currently experiencing issues with Grand Theft Auto Online, we have some good news!

In a new update, Rockstar stated that they are “currently working on a title update for both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 to address commonly reported issues with GTA Online. We hope to have it out for download as soon as tomorrow.” We’ll let you know when the new patch (likely 1.02) is available for download, and hopefully what was addressed, but if you notice it’s available before we can post anything, please tweet us @PSLifeStyle or send an email to

These are all the issues Rockstar is known to be working on, so if you don’t see yours listed, feel free to let them know:

  • For PlayStation 3 users, a PlayStation Network server issue was detected that was limiting the amount of possible concurrent users. This was preventing most players from accessing GTA Online altogether and as of this morning, that problem was resolved.
  • There is an issue that is preventing some players from getting through the first tutorial mission across both platforms. Many players have been able to get through this with repeated retries, and we are working on unblocking this for everyone as soon as possible.
  • This morning, we experienced some instability across the GTA Online services which is affecting even people who have progressed beyond the tutorial mission. We are identifying these issues now and are working to restore stability for users as soon as possible.
  • For the time being and until we have been able to get everybody access to GTA Online and things are running smoothly, we have disabled the option of purchasable GTA$ cash packs. Players can however keep on earning GTA$ by pulling off Jobs and other profitable gameplay activities rather than purchasing cash packs.
  • [First Tutorial Race] Freezing while loading into first race in GTAO with “waiting for other players” on the screen
  • [First Tutorial Race] Seeing the same cut-scene twice in a row and then getting stuck on a load screen
  • [First Tutorial Race] Getting stuck transitioning into the lobby or race while other players are joining/leaving
  • Occasional “Rockstar Cloud Servers Unavailable” error message
  • Intermittent “Failed to Host a GTA Online Session” error messages
  • Race Corona (start area, marker) occasionally not showing up for first race
  • Errors saying “Timed out when matchmaking for a compatible GTA Online Session to join”
  • Occasional errors about jobs failing to start or load
  • General issues with the Social Club site and Social Club features (slow loading, failed logins, emails not arriving, etc).
  • Misc. network and server-related error messages, disconnections, or cloud server errors
  • Errors saying “Mission Failed” as soon as the mission begins during a session

Have you been able to play Grand Theft Auto Online smoothly yet? Let us know in the comments below.