Mass Effect N7 Day BioWare

BioWare Reassures Fans There Are ‘So Many Stories Yet to Tell’ in the Mass Effect Universe

As the hours on N7 Day begin to tick down, hope for a massive Mass Effect announcement begins to dwindle. Not content with a few Mass Effect armor cosmetics being added to Anthem as the “grand celebration” on this pseudo-holiday, fans looked towards prominent BioWare figures, waiting for some kind of exciting news about the future of the series. It may not be much, but both BioWare GM Casey Hudson and Project Director Michel Gamble seemed to promise more Mass Effect to come, though without officially announcing anything.

Hudson tweeted out a number of pieces of Mass Effect concept art, saying that there is so much yet to be brought to life, and “so many stories yet to tell.” Gamble quote tweeted a response, simply reiterating “So many stories yet to tell…………..”

Earlier in the day Gamble also tweeted out messages for N7 Day saying “We’re really excited about what’s next,” and asking fans where they want Mass Effect to go in the future. Likewise, Hudson also tweeted out “Happy N7 Day! We’ve been thinking a lot about where we’ve been in the Mass Effect universe, and where we want to go next.”

The vague messages do little more than promise that the studio is at least thinking about what the future of Mass Effect could look like, an expected pleasantry given what day it is. There are still a few hours of daylight left in N7 Day, but it’s looking less and less likely that any significant Mass Effect announcements are going to be forthcoming. The teases of remasters from EA will have to wait for another time, it seems, and with all this talk of “stories yet to tell,” I don’t think remasters are exactly what these BioWare devs are hinting at anyway.

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